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Holy Trinity National School, Fethard

News Nuacht - Homepage

2017/2018 School Year

14th May 2018
Our under 11 team played their hurling blitz today in Clerihan. They played really...
14th May 2018
Congratulations to 6th class pupil Jack Quinlan who recently qualified for the Primary...
9th May 2018
1st class designed healthy dinner plates out of clay! They are almost ready for...
1st May 2018
Today girls from 4th, 5th and 6th class took part in under 13 camogie games in Dundrum....
1st May 2018
27th Apr 2018
Irish author, David Donoghue, visited our school today and met with children from...
25th Apr 2018
On Wednesday 18th April we had a visit from Mr. Tommy Lannigan of Active Schools...