News Nuacht - Homepage
2019/2020 School Year
13th Sep 2019
Well done to our U13 footballers who beat Cahir Boys’ NS in their opening...
11th Sep 2019
Here are senior infants having fun playing together at lunch time!
9th Sep 2019
2nd Class were so excited to be back to school and have started off the year with...
31st Aug 2019
Our junior infants had a great first day in school!
2018/2019 School Year
26th Jun 2019
A great day was had by the children yesterday for their sports day! It is great...
26th Jun 2019
5th and 6th took part in an end of year soccer competition run by their teachers,...
26th Jun 2019
Here are our U13 hurling team who played Ardfinnan in their Roinn C final on June...
- All
- 1st Class
- 1st Class: Ms. E. Meagher
- 2nd class - Ms. E. Meagher
- 2nd Class: Ms. C. Quigley/Ms. A. Geraghty
- 3rd Class
- 3rd/4th class
- 4th Class
- 5th Class: Ms. H. Mahoney
- 5th/6th class
- 6th Class
- Active School flag
- Athletics
- Challenge to Change
- Green School
- Health Promoting School
- Healthy Eating
- Homepage
- Junior Infants: Ms. S. McGeachy
- Knitting Club
- Literacy Lift-Off
- Music and School Band
- Realtai Beaga
- School Garden
- School Shows, Tours
- Senior Infants
- Senior Infants: Ms. A. Ryan
- Soccer
- Spikeball
- Sport
- Wellbeing
Holy Trinity National School, Fethard, Co. Tipperary | Tel: 052 6131493