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Holy Trinity National School, Fethard

News Nuacht - Homepage

2020/2021 School Year

23rd Oct 2020
We had treats, a boogie and a Halloween parade today to celebrate our last day before...
23rd Oct 2020
Well done all in fifth 👏 some wonderful costumes on display this morning 
20th Oct 2020
This week we are making yellow and red playdoh to mix together to make orange for...
19th Oct 2020
Well done to all the students in 5th class who took part in the maths eye competition....
15th Oct 2020
5th class took part in a maths trail in the car park where they had to record various...
12th Oct 2020
5th class began maths week with guessing how many sweets 🍬 are in the jar. The...
22nd Sep 2020
5th class learned how to draw a cat using various grids. They worked through the...