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Holy Trinity National School, Fethard

News Nuacht

2016/2017 School Year

29th Mar 2017
The weeks of practice are certainly paying off. Today, for the first time, the 3rd...
29th Mar 2017
Here is the polytunnel after being re-covered after it was destroyed over the Christmas...
29th Mar 2017
Here are some pictures of some of our Junior Infants making some real butter during...
29th Mar 2017
Walk on Wednesday was relaunched on Wednesday, March 29th with great success! Pupils,...
28th Mar 2017
Today first and second class attended a football blitz at rockwell college....
28th Mar 2017
Reminder - Walk on Wednesday relaunch tomorrow, Wednesday 29th March!!! Assemble...
27th Mar 2017
The winners of gold, silver and bronze medals were announced at assembly this morning...
27th Mar 2017
As part of our Challenge to Change project this year, Alice Leahy visited the school...
24th Mar 2017
Today the children made daffodil inspired Mother's Day cards!